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Welcome to the Sportklinik Frankfurt e.V.

The Sportklinik Frankfurt e.V. is the main sports medical consultation center of the state of Hesse. Since 1984, we have been examining athletes who come to us for their required annual examination as professionals according to the specifications of the respective associations with a dedicated and qualified team of medical specialists and medical staff with many years of experience.

We are also an examination center licensed by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) for national squad athletes.

For non-professional (non-Kader-related) recreational athletes, we offer a sports-related outpatient preventive medical, cardiological examination with comprehensive performance diagnostics as a self-pay service.

Appointments can only be made by telephone.

We make appointments for examinations exclusively by telephone.


Due to the individual consultation required, appointments via e-mail are not possible.


Grunduntersuchung für

  • Landeskader
  • Bundeskader
  • Vereinssportler*innen
  • Freizeitsportler*innen
  • Einsteiger*innen

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Seit vielen Jahren führen wir für Sportler*innen aller Leistungsklassen und aller Sportverbände die Leistungsdiagnostik durch. Hierdurch kann der individuelle Leistungsstand überprüft und die Ergebnisse für die Trainingsplanung herangezogen werden.

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Behandlung von orthopädischen, chirurgischen und neurologischen Krankheitsbildern sowie Trainingsbegleitung von Profi- und Hobbysportler*innen.

-Behandlungsbeginn Montag bis Freitag ab 6:30 Uhr-

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